Friday 30 January 2009

Romeo, save me.

"Yousef, ifhemni.. May9eer inthil 3ala hel 7ala. It's been 2 years. That's more than enough."
There was silence on the other end of the line.
"I mean, you should have known this was going to happen. What kind of girl would I be if I didn't want this?"
"Ya3ni ultimatum?" Replied Yousef.
"Okay, 5ala9."
"5ala9 shinu?"
"Bes 5ala9." he said firmly and hung up.

I sat on my bed. Not knowing what to do or what to say. I stared down at the phone I cupped in both hands.

I formulated a scenario in my head. In a couple of days, my mom will walk into my room to tell me that a suitor has come to ask for my hand in marriage. I would ask who and his name would come from my mother's lips. I would blush and lower my head, while my insides would be raging in excitement. I would begin the chapter of my life that I have longed for since I was a little girl. My dream wedding, my exotic honeymoon, the rest of my life waking up to his beautiful face and falling asleep in his arms. Having children with his eyes and my nose or, his nose and my eyes.

I smiled at the blissful existence that awaited me. It wasn't long before my pessimistic thoughts ruined my day dream.

What if he doesn't show up? Did 5ala9 signify the end of our relationship? After 2 years, am I that insignificant to him? He wouldn't do that to me. Would he? I am a good girlfriend. I am his everything. He said so. He's my everything. If I'm not talking to him, I'm thinking of him. If I'm not thinking of him, I'm worrying about him. Or talking about him or breaking my back helping him with his work load. I will never have those two years back. Wasn't he my soul mate? Maybe, Mr. Right was one of the men I turned down to be with him. He couldn't possibly be this cruel. He will call me tomorrow morning and explain everything. After all, I wasn't at fault to bring it up.

I curl up under my sheets, say the Mu3awathat before I drift into a light constantly interrupted sleep that yielded a horrifying dream, which fortunately I cannot recall.

I open my eyes and admire the streaks of sunlight that the shutters have formed on the ceiling. I remember the events of last night and reach for my phone. No missed calls. No messages.

In my pyjamas, I dragged myself to the dining room. Grabbed the first fatira off the pile and headed back to my room. I played the first season of Sex and the City. Then, came the second. The third and the forth. With the occasional breaks for the bathroom and to check my phone. No missed calls. No messages.

My days dragged on in the same routine. Never parting from my bed for more than half an hour. The only things changing; my pjamas and the series being played. Phonecalls were ignored, messages left unanswered. I only wanted to hear from one person.

The days turned into weeks. And nothing from Yousef.

Until that day, I will always remember that day because as I recall I had made some progress. I was dressed and was planning on having a day of retail therapy. My best friend had come back for winter break from the States and I was begining to feel hopeful again.

I came down the stairs to find my mother sitting in the living room watching a Denzel Washington movie on MBC2.
"9abaa7 il 5air, Mama."
"9abaa7 il 5air 7abeebty. Haa, wain 3ala 5air?"
" Baroo7 shopping wiya Dina."
"Mita redet min Amreeka?"
"Ams il 9ub7."
"Salmeeli 3alaiha wayid oo 7ibeeha 7egi."
"Inshaallah." I said with a smile.

I reached for the keys on the mantel and made my way to the front door.
"Hela yumma."
"It3arfeen wa7id isma Yousef il Flani, ma3ach bil jam3a?"
My whole body froze. Tears stung my eyes. My heart was raging. Was this it? Was this the moment I longed for?
"Ee.. Ishfee?" I replied trying to play it cool and hiding my smile.
"5a6ab Sarah bint 7amed, wild 3em ubooch."

Saturday 24 January 2009

Rooftops and Desktops.

I unfolded the lawn chair and covered it with my Egyptian cotton beach towel. I was miles away from the beach. But, this was my Saturday morning routine and I was not going to change it. I was in a white tank top perfectly tucked into my yellow running shorts. The sun was beaming above me, as though summer had never ended.

I stretched myself on the lawn chair; placing my arms behind my head and pointing my toes. I stayed in that position for the most relaxing six minutes. Then, I put my big round sunglasses on and secured my headphones in my ears. I twisted my hair into a bun, but did not pin it. It was this type of carefree-ness and tranquility, that bought me to the rooftop every Saturday.

I bent my knees and rested my sketchbook on my lap. I began to draw the neighboring rooftops and the sky. There was something about the sky, that calmed me. Seeing it made me feel like everything was going to be okay. I turned my Ipod on and selected the Saturday Morning playlist. It wasn't long until, John Mayer'
s raspy voice began crooning in my ear.

I felt like the only person in the world. I smiled at random thoughts I had while drawing. I thought about humorous incidents that had happened during the week, the months that separated me from graduation and the graduation that separated from my wedding. I usually try not to think about stressful issues when I'm in my zen space. I cleared my mind from all the previous thoughts. I grew tired on my suburb-scape and decide to paint my toe nails instead. I rubbed the Essie bottle between the palms of my hands. The color I had picked was called Tangerine, it was bright red with an orange undertone.

Just as I finished the first coat on my right foot my phone beeped.

"I miss you so much baby ;** "
Soon after, another message was received, leaving no time for a response. "Msn?"
"Give me 30 minutes." I replied.

Truth was I missed him too. He had been away on a business trip for the past 2 weeks. But, my Saturday mornings were sacred. They were the only thing that kept me going during the week and the only time when I could regain my sanity. I needed a couple more minutes away from reality.

After 30 minutes of sketching and painting the remaining toes, I decided to pack up and head back downstairs. I put the towel on my shoulder, folded the lawn chair and placed it against the wall, picked up my sketchbook, pencil and phone and placed my Ipod in my pocket. I made my way to my room. I could hear chatter and laughs coming from the dining room, which meant that breakfast was in progress.

I threw the towel in the laundry basket and placed the sketchbook and phone down on my desk. I switched on my PC and logged into Msn, Gmail and Facebook simultaneously. I've done it so often it has become routine.

He wasn't online. I decided to check my email and delete the emails that Facebook insisted on sending me to bring to my attention things I could easily notice when I log onto Facebook. I noticed that the first email was from him and was titled "Frowing Beauty." I opened the email to find that it was a series of 4 attached photos. I right-clicked and clicked view on each of them.

.. there are no words to explain the expression that was on my face at that percise moment.

There I was frowing at my sketchbook in one photo, painting my nails in the other, stretching in the third and giggling with
my Ipod in the forth.

I grabbed a hoodie and ran up the stairs. I got up to rooftop and looked in the direction of which the photos were taken from. There he was. Standing in his gold Juventus jersey with his arms crossed, like he was waiting for me. His smile beamed across the rooftops and I'm pretty sure my smile did the same in return. He uncrossed his arms and stretched them out, as if he wanted me to run to him and hug him. I really wanted to. But, I knew the laws of physics would prevent me. I blew him a kiss. A big kiss. It had to exaggerated for him to see it.

Then, brought his hand to his ear and I felt my phone vibrate and picked it up before it rang.

"Amout feek," I said in my breathy and excited voice.

He pretended to be shot down. I couldn't stop giggling.

Wednesday 21 January 2009

You know who you are.

The best of friends.
Slow dancing.

We settled.
We realized we could never be.

"I will run just to be by your side."
"Don't you ever bat an eye."

Swift moves.
We've been silent for a while.

What ifs running through our minds.

Avoiding eye contact.
If they meet, we're doomed.

Perhaps, it was better staying away all those years